Help Our Garden Grow (HOGG) is a “garden variety” fundraiser for our school running April 1st-16th to raise $3,000 for the garden. A simple guessing game, we're watching the Mountain Sage garden for answers to the four springtime questions below. Follow the progress of each plant on our Facebook page! Sweet little prizes will be awarded to every winner, but the real winner will be our beloved MSCS garden.

Join in on the fun in three easy steps:

  1. Decide on your answers to any or all four of the questions.
  2. Decide on the amount per guess you want to donate.
  3. Click the big green button below and enter your information. It's that simple!

Guessing is now closed, but we always welcome donations. Just click here to donate!

The Questions

  1. On which date between April 1st-16th will the first apple blossom appear?
  2. How tall will the tallest leafy green be on April 16th?
  3. How many buds will be on the artichoke plant by April 16th?
  4. How many daffodils will have bloomed in the garden between April 1st-16th?


Artwork by Marna Widom at Twelve Little Tales

Additional Information

Who will determine the final answers to the questions?

Ms. Jackson, our gardening and sustainability teacher, will be working with the children each day to watch and track the progress of the plants. She will have the final say in the answers.

Will there be prizes?

Yes! There will be fun little prizes for every winner.

Is a donation required to make a guess and is there a set donation amount?

A donation is required for each guess but there is no set amount. We ask that you consider at least $5 per guess. Our goal is $3,000, so if every child made one guess at $5, we'd be almost halfway there.

Can I donate without guessing?

Yes! Simply pick any of the questions and make a donation, leaving the answer box empty.

How many times can I guess?

As many times as you like!

Is this just for the Mountain Sage community or can anyone join in on the fun?

Help Our Garden Grow is open to anyone and everyone. Please share with your friends and family, just know anyone wishing to participate will need to create an account.

Will pictures of the garden's progress be shared?

Yes! Follow our Facebook page to get updates on each of the plants every few days. Be sure to ask your children about their progress, too.

When will the answers and winners be announced?

The winners will be notified directly by Wednesday, April 21st and announced, along with their answers, to the school community in the April 27th edition of The Beat.

I have a question about HOGG. Who can I ask?

Please send an email to Hillary Mizia, Development Coordinator.