Photo of the silent auction table during the Spring Into Our Future event

Giving Helps Our School Thrive.

Since 2013 Mountain Sage Community School has been providing children a tuition-free Waldorf-inspired arts-integrated education unlike any other K-8 experience in the Fort Collins area. As a public charter school, we receive little public funding for major expenses such as land and facilities, which are key to the success of our program.  Your gift, no matter the size, serves as an example of generosity, fosters a community of giving, and helps ensure the future of our school. THANK YOU!

Ways to Give

Give Money

Whether it's for a specific campaign or just because you love Mountain Sage (or a Mountain Sage student!), financial donations are always accepted. As a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit, your donations are tax-deductible. Our tax ID number 27-4313751.


Contribute Online

Mountain Sage uses the year-round donation platform through Colorado Gives. Choose to make a one-time or a recurring donation- both are wonderful and deeply appreciated. We have heard from families that recurring donations allow them to make a larger contribution without breaking the bank at one time; donating $25/month equates to a $300 annual donation! Thank you in advance for your support.

Mail A Check

Please make out your check to Mountain Sage Community School and mail to:

Mountain Sage Community School
2310 E. Prospect Rd. Suite A
Fort Collins, CO, 80525

Give Your Vehicle

Yes, just like NPR! Turn your old car, no matter how run down, into cash for the school. It's simple to set up and has a huge return for the school. This is a wonderful way to support Mountain Sage, and you don't even have to live in Colorado to use this option. Click the button below to get started.

Shop & Give

Each of these Shop & Give options raises money for the school without costing you a cent.

Mountain Sage Scrip with RaiseRight

The Mountain Sage Scrip Program is a great way to donate to the school on a regular basis without costing you a cent; you can even use this program to pay for next year's school fees! Simply purchase digital gift cards using RaiseRight and a percentage of what you spend goes back to Mountain Sage. Purchase digital gift cards for groceries, shopping, gas, dining out, and more!

Here's how to get started:

  1. MSCS families: choose your MSCS Scrip Program participation option on this form. Both options support the school, so whichever you choose is great! **This step not needed for non-MSCS families and extended family.
  2. Click here to sign up with RaiseRight, using the unique enrollment code for Mountain Sage (when you click the link, the enrollment code will automatically populate).
  3. Download the RaiseRight app for your phone and extension for the browser on your computer.
  4. Purchase gift cards and start shopping.

It's truly that simple. Gift cards are available for use within seconds! Purchase a gift card while standing in line

Graphic image of a purple calculator
Calculate your potential earnings with RaiseRight!

at the store or waiting at your table for the bill, and by the time you need to pay, your gift card will be ready to use. Physical cards can also be purchased through RaiseRight and sent directly to you (a great gift idea).

Wondering just how much you could raise? Check out this handy calculator tool and see!

Learn more about getting started with RaiseRight by watching this video. Our unique enrollment code is V7K4G1G3X5G1.


Natural Grocers Community Partner

All Mountain Sage families received a Fueling The Future Together card from Natural Grocers at the beginning of the year. Additional cards are available at the Front Desk. Using this card is a one-step process:

  1. Have the person ringing up your groceries scan your card before you pay.

That's it! The school then receives 5% of your grocery purchase. Read this flyer for more information.


King Soopers Community Rewards

Simply link your King Soopers account to Mountain Sage Community School. Then all you have to do when shopping at King Soopers is swipe your Plus Card or use your alternate ID and Mountain Sage automatically gets your support! Learn more here.

To participate:

  1. Sign in to your digital account, or sign up for one, by clicking the button below.
  2. Click on My Account in top right corner and then Community Rewards from the lefthand menu.
  3. Enter "Mountain Sage Community School" or the organization ID "QW895" into the search field.
  4. Select the "Mountain Sage Community School" from the list and click Save.