Welcome to the SAC!
What is the SAC?
The School Accountability Committee (SAC) discusses and recommends priorities for school funds, important school culture and parent partnership issues, and participates in the preparation of the school’s Unified Improvement Plan.
Important Links and Documents
Overarching Documents
- Mountain Sage Unified Improvement plan
- Mountain Sage Performance Ratings and Framework
- MSCS School Accountability Reference Guide
- CDE's website to learn more about school and district accountability committees
2024-25 Meeting Schedule
September 11th, 8:35-10am
October 2nd, 8:35-10am
November 20th, 8:35-10am
December 19th, 8:35-10am
January: No Meeting
February 10th, 8:35-10am
February 24th, 8:35-10am
April: TBD
May: TBD
Community Survey
Each year, the School Accountability Committee creates and sends a community survey with the goal of gauging overall school health and community needs, and to assess the viability of certain programs, whether in place or as possibilities for the future. The SAC then reviews the data and makes recommendations to the administration, who uses the feedback in future planning. Below you will find links to the survey results and to the administrative progress report. Please download the PDF reports for full functionality.
2023-24 Community Survey Results
Who is on the SAC?
This vital school committee is composed of dedicated parent and community member volunteers, the School Director, and other staff. Our current SAC members are:
MacKenzie Mushel, Board Representative (Committee Chair) and parent
Josh Greene, parent
Troy Wixson, parent and board member
Alisa Hodges, parent
Jenna Martin, Educational Director
Jennifer McKinley, Literacy Interventionist
Liv Helmericks, School Director
Hillary Mizia, Communications and Operations Specialist
MSCS parents and staff and members of the greater Fort Collins community are encouraged to join the SAC. New positions are available each spring, and terms are two years in length. A member can serve no more than two consecutive terms (4 years), however a member can return to serve again in future years. Interested in serving on the SAC? Send us an email!
Meeting Information
The Mountain Sage Community School SAC meets quarterly. SAC meetings are posted on our school Google Calendar.
All SAC meetings are open to the public. We encourage teachers, staff members, and parents to join our meetings at any time. Each meeting begins with the opportunity for open comment, providing the chance for anyone to express an opinion or concern. If you'd like to attend, please let us know ahead of time.
It is required by the state that all SACs post their meeting times, agendas, and meeting minutes. This information is available on the MSCS website and calendar.
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
November 20th, 2024
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
February 24th, 2025
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Meeting TBD
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Meeting TBD
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
2023-2024 Meeting Minutes and Agendas
2022-2023 Meeting Minutes and Agendas
April 24th, 2023