Upcoming Board Meetings
MSCS Board Community Update
Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-7:30pm
Virtual meeting via Zoom.
MSCS Board Business Meeting
Monday, February 24, 2025, 6:00-9:00pm
A Live broadcast of the Business meeting will be available via Zoom.
If you join after the business meeting has started, it may take a moment to admit you. This technology is still in beta for us, please be patient as we work out the kinks.
Board of Directors
The Mountain Sage Board of Directors is a governance board, responsible for upholding the school’s mission and vision while providing academic and fiscal oversight. The Board partners closely with the school's operational team, providing support and yearly evaluations. Monthly Board meetings are held throughout the school year. Meetings allow for a review of school policies, finances, and strategic plan. In addition, time is set aside for Director and committee updates. The Board consists of individuals who believe deeply in the education that is being provided at Mountain Sage, and who are charged with making sound decisions that protect the short and long term sustainability of the school.
The current Directors are:

Bryan Kimbell, President
Lica Mazzetto, Vice President
Mark Guttropf, Treasurer
Troy Wixson, Secretary
MacKenzie Mushel
Jon Pointer
The current Faculty Representatives are Gail Spinden and Sara Kathol
Read bios on the Meet Our Team page.
Board Committees
We welcome all interested community members to service either on the Board or on one or more of our Board committees. In addition to these Board Committees, please look into Community Circle and find out about many other opportunities to volunteer at MSCS. You are welcome at meetings and to work on the following committees:
School Accountability Committee (SAC)
offers guidance on academic action plans, budget priorities, safety issues, progress monitoring, and other areas. Visit the SAC web page.
Governance Committee
supports and nurtures a knowledgeable and engaged Board. Responsibilities include Board training, education, recruitment, elections, and logistical support. Email the Chair.
Finance Committee
provides financial oversight for the school. Typical tasks include working with School Director and Business Manager on budgeting and financial planning, financial reporting, and the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies. Email the Chair.
Development Committee
We are in the process of establishing a vibrant and engaged fundraising/development committee. If you are interested in service on this committee please email the Board here.
Meeting Information
The Mountain Sage Community School Board of Directors meets monthly. Board meetings are posted on our school Google Calendar. See below for previous meetings.
Minutes from the current month are posted online once approved, typically after the following month's meeting.
Board meetings are open to the public. Please review our Board Guest Policy before attending a board meeting.
Board Policies
Policy Governance, used by the Mountain Sage Board of Directors, is a method of governance that allows the Board to practice strategic leadership. The Board sets broad policy that establishes the vision and direction of the school for the School Operations Team to implement and the framework by which the Board and Operations Team work together. Note: Board Policies are separate from school policies. The Board Bylaws can be found within the Board Policies as well.
Board Elections
In September of each year, the Mountain Sage Board of Directors determines the number of open board seats for which candidates will be sought. The school community will receive communication regarding the number of seats and information regarding how individuals can participate in the candidacy and the election process. Interested candidates will need to review and complete all requirements by February 1 to have their name included on the official ballot. All eligible voters will participate in an online election to be held in the spring. Candidates and community members will be notified of results at the closing of the election period. Candidates successfully elected to a board seat will commence their term in May.
Candidate Requirements
Becoming a board member at Mountain Sage provides an exciting opportunity to contribute to the school through participation in its governance. The board welcomes interested community members who have a desire to join the board to review the following requirements and responsibilities. To be eligible for inclusion on the ballot, candidates need to complete the meeting requirement before April 1st and all other requirements by February 1st . In addition to the listed requirements, candidates will need to attend the annual Town Hall meeting held in February and be prepared, if elected, to begin their term in May.
- Attend a Board Meeting
- Register as a volunteer and successfully complete background check
- Review board member responsibilities
- Review election process
- Submit letter of intent (why you’re interested & resume) to the Board of Directors at [email protected], or complete a Declaration of Candidacy
- Board members may be appointed outside of this election framework
Member Responsibilities
- Attend board meetings. This consists of one 3 hour business meeting held monthly and a separate 2-3 hour work session held monthly (as needed). Refer to the MSCS online calendar for meeting dates. Each meeting will require pre-work including preparing agenda topics, reviewing prepared materials from others and providing feedback.
- Sharing in monthly Board tasks on a rotating basis. Tasks include: presenting on an educational topic of your choosing, attending the parent circle and faculty meetings, setting out signage prior to the start of Board meetings and setting up the room.
- Attend board retreats. Two board retreats are held each year, one at the end of the school’s academic year and one prior to the start of the school year . These are full day events. Refer to the online calendar for dates.
- Serve on a committee. Each board member serves on a sub committee of the board such as finance or facilities. You can expect to spend 2-5 hours per month on committee work outside of regular board meetings.
- Familiarize yourself with key school documents. These include the school’s mission and vision, and the MSCS charter, school policies, board policies, Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws.
- Continuing education. Each board member must complete the CDE Online Board Modules (directions) within 6 months of their start date on the board. In addition, board members commit to continuing education by joining the Colorado League of Charter Schools and Colorado Department of Education Charter School email lists, notifications from charter board and charter conference attendance. Board members need to also review the Consensus Agreement and the Summary of the Colorado Open Meeting Laws and Open Records Act.
- Term commitment. Each board member commits to a 3 year term upon joining the board.
- Board members may miss no more than 3 meetings per year.
Previous Meetings
If you need to access meeting minutes or the agenda for a year not listed, please send us an email.
No Meetings
October 28, 2024, 6-9:00pm
Board Business Meeting
December 16, 2024, 6-9:00pm
Board Business Meeting
January 13, 2025, 6:00-8:00pm
Board Working Session
January 27, 2025, 6-9:00pm
Board Business Meeting
February 24, 2025, 6-9:00pm
Board Business Meeting
March 24, 2025, 6-9:00pm
Board Business Meeting
April 28, 2025, 6-9:00pm
Board Business Meeting
May 12, 2025, 6-9:00pm
Board Business Meeting
June 07, 2025, TBD
Board Working Retreat
No meetings in July
No meetings in July