What is Harvest Festival?

The Mountain Sage Harvest Festival is a community gathering celebrating the abundance of the season and courage for the darkness of the cold months that lie ahead. We gather to recognize our striving, both as individuals and as a community, and ignite the light of all that is true and good so that it may radiate all through the coming winter. The fruits of the summer garden are shared with the warmth of soup made by our Gardening classes and the generosity of our community exemplified in the donation of fresh baked bread and apples. The children bring the magic of the season with songs and pageantry.

Volunteers and donations of firewood, soup ingredients, bread, and apples are needed to make this event a success! 

Harvest Festival Schedule

October 5th, 2024 10-11:30am

10-10:15am: Arrive, place your bread and/or apple offering, and find a place to sit for the performance.

10:15-10:45am: Dragon Pageant

10:45-11:30am: Eat, play, and connect!

What You Need to Know

We need volunteers! Complete the volunteer verification process if you would like to volunteer during Harvest Festival. 

Firewood, ingredients for the soup, fresh baked bread, and fresh apples are key aspects to this harvest event. If you are able to donate any of these items, please click on the buttons to the left. You do not need to be a verified volunteer to donate. See below for a wonderful bread recipe. 

This event takes place in the morning, but our playground gets direct sun all day. Please bring a sun hat and plenty of water for your family. 

BYOD! Bring your own dinnerware. Aligning with our sustainability mission, we ask that each family bring their own reusable dinnerware: bowls or cups and spoons for soup, maybe a plate for bread and apples, and water bottles. 

We suggest that you bring a blanket or chairs for your family for this event. The Dragon Pageant will run about 30 minutes long.

Plan to arrive at 10am. Once here, choose a star crown, place your food offering at the correct food station, and find a place to sit.

After the pageant, visit the School Store and with members of the Board at their booth.

Learn the Harvest Festival Songs

Michaelmas Time

Michaelmas time! Michaelmas time!

Time is turning under the plough.

Under the stars, under the signs

The ploughman toils with deep furrow'd brow.

He turns his thoughts against the cold

Buries his fears 'neath the earth's deep mould.

Frost, like fire, burns white on the blade

Of his iron share the red fire made.


Let the Sun Shine One More Day

Let the sun shine one more day
As we bend our backs and we bind the hay
As we gather in full-eared corn
When the days turn warm from a frosty morn

Pick and pile and cut and truss
What the earth has borne for us
Load it up, then haste away
For light grows shorter day by day


Place the yield in silo and barn
Safe from snow and rain and harm
Then you reap a harvest sure
Of deep content and sleep secure


Autumn's harvest rich as gold
Stored as winter's shield from cold
For our children, for the beasts
We now prepare a harvest feast


Bless the earth and rain and sun
That we need to carry on
Bless the season's which have turned
And give to us what we have earned


Harvest is a Season to Behold

Harvest is the season to behold

Harvest with its colors brown and gold

Crops are in and summer's work is done

Air is crisp and snow is soon to come

Harvest is a season to behold

Harvest Festival Through the Years

Take plenty of pictures and share on here, here, and on your own social media pages with #HarvestFestival and #MountainSage!

See below for Dragon Bread and Harvest Soup recipes and other ways you can celebrate Harvest Festival at home.

Ways to Celebrate Harvest Festival at Home

Make a Bountiful Harvest Feast

Harvest Festival Dragon Bread

Follow this recipe and shape the dough into a dragon or other harvest shapes like wheat stalks, pumpkins, and more!

MSCS Harvest Festival Soup

Use veggies from your garden, a local farm, or the store to make our beloved Harvest Soup in your home this year,

Create a Space of Red and Gold

Make Star Crowns and Michaelmas Dragons

Make a Michaelmas Dragon

2020 Mountain Sage Dragon Pageant with Guest Author M. Black!

Rehearse your lines and say your part along with M. Black!